Sub $300 Gun
Also posted on the Bandoleered Bookworm blog Michael Bane had said on his Down Range Radio Podcast episode #619 that SCCY had found a niche - the sub-$300 gun (presumably 9mm). He also focused on Ruger's sub-$200 Wrangler, which is now challenging the Heritage sub-$200 single-action .22 revolvers. Ban'es point was that the big players will eventually see potential in a niche and then invade and take it over. So how many sub-$300 9mm pistols are out there? And according to Bane, we are talking about MSRP - I think. To start with, SCCY offers their CPX-1 at $284 and CPX-2 at $269.99. The CPX-2 deletes the manual safety. credit: To my amazement, Taurus now offers NO sub-$300 guns in 9mm. They used to - but no more. Ruger comes in at $299 with the EC9s, a decontented economy LC9s with machined instead of adjustable/replaceable sites and only one magazine. credit: Smith & Wesson offers nothin...
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